FBHFc Multi-Language Editor (Turbo Pascal/Turbo Vision Editor & Alex Levitas' Utilities demonstration) = Welcome to Multi-Language Editor and Alex Levitas' utilities demo. This is a demonstration program - editor with multi-language support (keyboard map, screen & printer fonts) - that allows you to view some of the capablilities of Turbo Pascal/Turbo Vision and some of the capablilities of Alex Levitas' Utilities - Multi-Language Support Kit, Print Manager and simple gadgets. The menu is accessed by pressing Alt-Space. All the other menus are accessed by pressing Alt-Z, where Z is the first letter of the menu. For example, the "File" menu is pulled down by Alt-F. ) Press ESC to put this help screen away. File Editor A file editor allows editing of a text file. A file is loaded via the File Open menu item. M Insert & Delete Commands Insert mode on/off Ctrl+V or Ins Delete line Ctrl+Y Delete to end of line Ctrl+Q Y Delete character left Ctrl+H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl+G or Del Delete word right Ctrl-T Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl+S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl+D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Left arrow Word right Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Right arrow Line up Ctrl+E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl+X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl+R or PgUp Page down Ctrl+C or PgDn Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl+K B Mark block end Ctrl+K K Mark single word Ctrl+K T Delete block Ctrl+K Y Copy to clipboard Ctrl+Ins Cut to clipboard Shift+Del Delete block Ctrl+Del Paste to clipboard Shift+Ins Miscellaneous Editor Commands Menu bar Save and edit Ctrl+K S or F2 Open file Close active window Alt+F3 Switch active window Tab Ctrl+I or Tab Find Ctrl+Q F Find & Replace Ctrl+Q A Repeat last find Ctrl+L Abort operation File editors can be resized and moved using the Windows menu. (System) menu (Alt-Spacebar) The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the symbol. ( When you pull down the menu, you see U About VGA Editor Epson Editor Keyboard Editor Print Manager About When you choose the About command from the (System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. File (Alt-F) The File menu includes choices for opening and saving files, changing directories, DOS shell, and exiting the program. # Open Change Dir Exit File Open (F3) The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the text file you want edit in a file editor. & The Open File dialog box contains: an input box with a history list a list box to browse the directory the standard Cancel button Open action button an information panel that describes the selected file File The New command creates a new editor window. The window's name is "Untitled", and is empty. File Save The Save command allows you to save the current editor window to a disk file. If the window already has a name, the file will be saved under this same name. If you wish to save the file under a new name, select the File|Save As command instead. File Save As The Save As command allows you to save the current editor window to a new file name. Note that if an editor window does not have a name (it is called "Untitled") selecting File|Save will execute the Save As dialog box. File Save all The Save all command saves all editor windows to disk. File Change Dir... Change Dir brings up the Change Directory dialog box, in which you can change the current directory. File DOS Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9 To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. File Exit (Alt-X) The Exit command terminates this program. Edit (Alt-E) The Edit menu includes choices for UNDO in the editor and managing the clipboard. Edit Undo The Undo command allows you to "take back" the last editor action you performed. For example, if the line: This is an editor test is changed to: This was an editor test the Undo command will become active. Executing the Undo command will cause the line to revert back to its original version. Note that changes which can be undone are grouped into similar actions, such as typing, or deleting characters. Any action type you perform that is different than the last action type will cause the Undo information to be lost. Edit The Cut command removes the selected text and places it on the Clipboard. Any information previously on the clipboard is lost. Text cut from the editor may be immediately replaced by selecting the Undo command before moving the cursor. Edit Copy The Copy command places a copy of the selected text on the Clipboard. The selected information is left unchanged, but any information previously on the clipboard is lost. Edit Paste The Paste command inserts a the contents of the clipboard into the current editor window at the cursor position. The contents of the clipboard remain unchanged. If any text is selected in the current editor window, the highlighted text is replaced by the text coming from the clipboard. Information pasted into an editor may be removed immediately by using the Undo command before moving the cursor. Edit Show Clipboard The Show Clipboard command will display the Clipboard contents is an ordinary editor window. Note that Cut and Paste commands are not enabled while the clipboard is the focused window. Edit Clear The Clear command removes any selected text from the current editor without placing a copy of the text on the clipboard. The effects of this command may be reversed by selecting Undo before moving the cursor. Search (Alt-S) The Search menu provides text search and replace in the topmost edit window. Search Find The Find command performs a text search in the editor. Search Replace The Replace command performs a text search and replace in the editor. Search Search again The Search again repeats the last Find or Replace. Window (Alt-W) The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. Most of the windows in this program have all the standard window elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons. > For more about windows and their elements, refer to windows. 9 Window-management commands Size/Move Zoom Tile Cascade Next Previous Close Window Size/Move (Ctrl-F5) Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window. Size If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window. Move When you choose Window Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse. Window Zoom (F5) Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to its previous size. { You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except where an icon appears) to zoom or unzoom the window. Window Tile Choose Window Tile to tile all file viewers on the desktop. L Tiled Windows Window Cascade Choose Window Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop. A Cascaded Windows Window Next Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop. Window Close (Alt-F3) Choose Close to close the active window. O You can also click the Close box in the upper right corner to close a window. Help on the Mouse Options dialog box This dialog box consists of one check box, one slider bar, and the standard buttons OK and Cancel. Mouse Double Click Slow Medium Fast The Mouse Double Click slider bar adjusts the double-click speed of your mouse. ^ [X] Reverse Mouse Buttons Reverse Mouse Buttons makes the right mouse button take on the normal functions of the left--and vice versa. 6 See also: Options Mouse... command Options Mouse... The Mouse command brings up the Mouse Options dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your mouse works, including: C auto-repeat speed (char/sec) delay before auto-repeat (sec) Options Keyboard... The Keyboard command brings up the Keyboard Speed dialog box, where you can set various options that control how your keyboard work works, including: R how fast a double-click is which mouse button (right or left) is active Options Save Desktop Saves the state of all open windows to a file call TVDEMO.DSK. This file can be reloaded by selecting Options Desktop. Options Load Desktop Restore a previously-saved state of all open windows from a file call TVDEMO.DSK. This file is saved via the Options Desktop menu command. Help on Open a File Dialog Box The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name inputbox. Name The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*). Files FILENM01.PAS FILENM09.PAS FILENM02.PAS FILENM10.PAS FILENM03.PAS FILENM11.PAS FILENM04.PAS FILENM12.PAS FILENM05.PAS .. FILENM06.PAS \MOREXAMP FILENM07.PAS \TOURS FILENM08.PAS \ANSWERS.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. [ Open ] The Open button opens a new Viewer window and places the selected file in that window. [ Cancel ] If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M (Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.) [ Open ] In the Open a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button TVDEMO opens a new file editor and places the selected file in that window. Help on the Change Directory dialog box The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TP TVISION The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. Window Close All Choose Close all to remove all windows from the desktop. Window Previous Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop. Menu Download Download editing keyboard map. Downloaded map will be active for editors and 'Find' & 'Replace' dialogs only, other views uses the standard keyboard map. Search Go To Line The Go to Line command displays the Go Line dialog box, which prompts for the line number you want to find. VGA Font Editor Open VGA Editor. Epson Font Editor Open Epson Editor. Keyboard Map Editor Open Keyboard Editor. Print Manager Open Print Manager. Custom Keyboard ON/OFF Switch between standard and custom keyboard map. See also: Keyboard Editor Programmer Calculator The calculator is a simple programmer calculator with add, subtract, multiply, divide, arithmetic shift left/right, and bitwise AND , OR, XOR and NOT operations. There are also 4 radixes: decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or click the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. The BackSpace key will erase the last character typed. The ' ' and ' ' keys will shift value left/right (the keyboard equivalent of ' ' is Ctrl-Left-Arrow/Ctrl-Right-Arrow). The ' ' key toggles the value from positive to negative (the keyboard equivalent of ' ' is '_'). NoteBook The notebook is a combination of text editor and calendar that allows to edit a separate page for each day of the year. For January 1st open 1st page, for January 2nd - 2nd page etc. January 1st of the next year will also open the 1st page, i.e., you can write notes only for a single year. The NoteBook contains: V the editor window the calendar the 'Clear' button the 'Save' button The Edit Window The edit window is where you type in and edit notebook page. Editing keys are similar to Turbo Pascal. Date indicator 30-Aug-93 YY:XX Position Indicator Modification Indicator Date indicator shows the date being edited (notebook page). Position indicator at the bottom of the edit window frame shows the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX , where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. If editing text was modified, a ' ' character (the modification indicator) will be displayed at the bottom of the edit window frame. See also: Editor commands Insert & Delete Commands Insert mode on/off Ctrl+V or Ins Delete line Ctrl+Y Delete to end of line Ctrl+Q Y Delete character left Ctrl+H or Backspace Delete character Ctrl+G or Del Cursor Movement Commands Character left Ctrl+S or Left arrow Character right Ctrl+D or Right arrow Word left Ctrl+A or Ctrl+Left arrow Word right Ctrl+F or Ctrl+Right arrow Line up Ctrl+E or Up arrow Line down Ctrl+X or Down arrow Page up Ctrl+R or PgUp Page down Ctrl+C or PgDn Block Commands Mark block begin Ctrl+K B Mark block end Ctrl+K K Mark single word Ctrl+K T Delete block Ctrl+K Y Copy to clipboard Ctrl+Ins Cut to clipboard Shift+Del Delete block Ctrl+Del Paste to clipboard Shift+Ins Miscellaneous Editor Commands Menu bar Close active window Alt+F3 Tab Ctrl+I or Tab Find Ctrl+Q F Find & Replace Ctrl+Q A Repeat last find Ctrl+L Abort operation The Calendar The calendar shows the current date and notebook page and allows to select another date. Use mouse or arrow keys to select needed day. Clicking the mouse on the Up Arrow, pressing '-' key, or PgUp key jump month back. Clicking the mouse on the Down Arrow down, pressing '+' key, or PgDn key jump month ahead. The 'Clear' Button The 'Clear' button clears editing notebook page. The 'Save' Button The 'Save' button saves editing notebook page. Print Manager This utility allows printing text files or editor windows with different fonts. Supports also underlining and emphasizing. The print manager contains: the 'Letters' radio button the 'From' radio button the 'Language Case-Sensitive' check box the 'Emphasized' list the 'Underlined' list the 'Menu' button the 'Print' button The 'Letters' Radio Button The 'Letters' radio button determines the type of letters to print. May select one of three fonts: ) Draft - normal printer font ( ) Bold - quality double-strike font ( ) Small - quality double-strike compressed font - 132 characters/line The 'From' Radio Button The 'From' radio button determines what will be printed. May select one of three options: ) Editor Window - print contents of last active editor window ( ) Selected Text - print selected text from last active editor window ( ) Disk Text File - print contents of text file The 'Language is Case-Sensitive' Check Box If 'Emphasized' and 'Underlined' lists are not empty then before printing each word will be compared with each pattern in this lists. The 'Language is Case-Sensitive' check box determines if this check will be case-sensitive. The 'Emphasized' List If 'Emphasized' list is not empty then each word before printing will compared with each pattern of 'Emphasized' list and the equal words will be printed emphasized. To add a new pattern press Insert key and enter pattern. To delete pattern press Delete key. Pattern can contain '*' and '?' wildcard characters, where '*' may be any number of any characters (or none) and '?' may be any one character. See also: 'Underlined' List 'Language Case-Sensitive' Check Box The 'Underlined' List If 'Underlined' list is not empty then each word before printing will compared with each pattern of 'Underlined' list and the equal words will be printed underlined. To add a new pattern press Insert key and enter pattern. To delete pattern press Delete key. Pattern can contain '*' and '?' wildcard characters, where '*' may be any number of any characters (or none) and '?' may be any one character. See also: 'Emphasized' List 'Language Case-Sensitive' Check Box The 'Menu' Button The 'Menu' button opens the print manager menu. The 'Print' Button The 'Print' button start printing according to defines. The message 'Printing process' is displayed at print time. If printing isn't possible, an error message will be displayed. Menu Load 'Emphasized' List Load text file where each line in file is a pattern for the 'Emphasized' list. Old list items will cleared. Menu Save 'Emphasized' List Save 'Emphasized' list into text file where each line in file is a pattern from the 'Emphasized' list. If 'Language Case-Sensitive' check box was checked then list items will be saved case-sensitive, else items will be saved in upper case and without duplicates. Menu Load 'Underlined' List Load text file where each line in file is a pattern for the 'Underlined' list. Old list items will cleared. Menu Save 'Underlined' List Save 'Underlined' list into text file where each line in file is a pattern from the 'Underlined' list. If 'Language Case-Sensitive' check box was checked then list items will be saved case-sensitive, else items will be saved in upper case and without duplicates. Menu Configuration Opens Print Options dialog box that define page length, size of top, bottom and left margin etc. Print Options Dialog The Print Options dialog box let you define page length, size of top, bottom and left margin, in which line will printed page number (if will printed), are you want stop printing before each page, are you want eject page before or/and after printing and are you want print odd or/and even pages. Menu Load Confuguration Load print manager configuration, 'Emphasized' and 'Underlined' lists and state of 'Letters', 'From' and 'Case-Sensitive' switches from configuration file. Menu Save Configuration Save print manager configuration, 'Emphasized' and 'Underlined' lists and state of 'Letters', 'From' and 'Case-Sensitive' switches into configuration file. Mouse Cursor Mouse cursor is a bitmap matrix 16 x 16 pixels where any pixel may be one from 4 types White - pixel always white. Black - pixel always black. Glass - pixel is "glass", invisible. Inverse - pixel color complement to background (white on black, red on blue etc) . One dot of this matrix is the "hot dot" - the mouse coordinates origin. 4 For more information see mouse programmer's guide. Mouse Cursor Editor This is utility is for creating icon for mouse cursor and saving result of editing as .ASM, .C or .PAS file that contain a procedure for changing mouse cursor icon. # The mouse cursor editor contains: r the edit window the status the 'Menu' button the 'See mouse' button the short help text The Edit Window In the left side of mouse cursor editor window you can see a framed rectangle - edit window. ] Edit Window Cursor YY:XX Position Indicator Modification Indicator Cursor is a blinking square in the edit window. Position indicator at the bottom of the edit window frame shows the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX, where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. If editing icon was modified, a ' ' character (the modification indicator) will be displayed at the bottom of the edit window frame. Available keys are: Key Action Arrow Keys Move Cursor PgUp/PgDn Go to Bottom/Top of Column Home/End Go to Begin/End of Line G Set 'Glass' Point W Set White Point B Set Black Point I Set Inverse Point H Set 'Hot Dot' ^Left/^Right Shift Left/Right ^U/^D Shift Up/Down ^Del/^Ins Delete/Insert Line ^E/^W Delete/Insert Column ^C/^F Clear/Fill ^V/^H Vertical/Horizontal Flip ^O Rotate See also: Mouse Cursor The Status Line The status line is a specialized view, displayed at the bottom of the mouse cursor editor window. Status line displays are lists of available dot types, short keys and pictures for this dot types. oo [G]lass [W]hite [B]lack [I]nvers [H]ot dot 'Glass' - dot type [G] - short key for 'glass' dot picture for 'glass' dot Clicking the mouse on a short key will set dot of this type into cursor position in the edit window. See also: Mouse Cursor The 'Menu' Button The 'Menu' button opens mouse cursor editor menu. The 'See mouse' Button The 'See mouse' button opens screen that contain 9 areas filled by different colors and patterns and show editing mouse cursor icon. You can try this cursor icon on different background colors and patterns. To resume press any mouse button. b 'See mouse' button may be pressed by mouse only. If you haven't mouse you can't use this option. Menu The Open command displays the Open File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the .MCE file you want to edit. Menu The New command creates a new empty .MCE file. The file name is 'NONAME.MCE'. Menu Save current .MCE file. If the file has a default name (such as NONAME.MCE), this option is opened as dialog box so you can rename the file and save it in a different directory or on a different drive. Menu Save As Save As opens up the Save File As dialog box, where you can save the editing mouse cursor icon under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different drive. ] You can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory, and click or choose OK. Menu Make .ASM Create .ASM file that contains code of procedure that change icon of mouse cursor. Menu Make .C Create .C file that contains code of procedure that change icon of mouse cursor. Menu Make .PAS Create .PAS file that contains code of procedure that change icon of mouse cursor. VGA Font VGA screen font is bitmapped font 8 x N where N is any number between 1 and 16. 8 x 16 8 x 14 8 x 8 Largest font is 8 x 32, but usually we don't use a font larger than 8 x 16, so this font editor supports font size up to 8 x 16. In text mode VGA screen default vertical resolution is 400 pixels and default font is 8 x 16, therefore number of lines is 400 / 16 = 25. If we downloaded new font with a different size then number of lines will be redefined as ScreenVerticalResolution / FontVerticalSize. Screen resolusion may be low (640 x 200 such CGA), middle (640 x 350 such EGA) and high (720 x 400, when this resolution used font size is 9 x N - for characters #192..#223 9th column copied from 8th, for other characters this column is empty). Allowed is any combination of font size and screen resolution. VGA screen has 3 default fonts for text mode - 8 x 8, 8 x 14 and 8 x 16. Font editor allows to create also a font with different size. 2 For more information see VGA programmer's guide. VGA Font Editor This utility is used to edit a VGA font and save result of editing as .ASM, .C or .PAS file that contains procedure for changing VGA font or in internal format (extention of VGA font file is 'Vxx' where 'xx' is font size, for example '08' for 8 x 8 font). The VGA font editor contains: the edit window the 'Menu' button the 'See/Select' button the editing letter indicator the short help text The Edit Window In left side of VGA font editor window you can see framed rectangle - edit window. Edit Window Cursor YY:XX Position Indicator Cursor is a blinking square in the edit window. Position indicator at the bottom of the edit window frame shows the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX, where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. Available keys are: Key Action Arrow Keys Move Cursor PgUp/PgDn Go to Bottom/Top of Column Home/End Go to Begin/End of Line Ctrl-PgUp/Ctrl-PgDn Select Next/Previous Letter Ctrl-Home/Ctrl-End Select First/Last Letter ^Left/^Right Shift Left/Right ^U/^D Shift Up/Down ^Del/^Ins Delete/Insert Line ^E/^W Delete/Insert Column ^C/^F Clear/Fill ^V/^H Vertical/Horizontal Flip ^N Invers (Negative) See also: VGA The Editing Letter Indicator The editing letter indicator is a specialized view, displayed at the bottom of the VGA font editor window frame. The editing character and hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of this character are displayed. If editing font was modified, a ' ' character (the modification indicator) will be displayed at the bottom of the edit window frame. Char: A Decimal: 65 Hexa: 41 Modification Indicator The 'Menu' Button The 'Menu' button opens VGA font editor menu. The 'See/Select' Button If size of current font is equal to size of editing font then the 'See/Select' button opens See/Select dialog that contains current and editing fonts table and allow to see and try editing font or select next letter to be edited. Menu The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the VGA font file you want to edit. Extention of VGA font file is 'Vxx' where 'xx' is font size, for example '08' for 8 x 8 font. Menu The New command opens the Select Size dialog. If this dialog wasn't canceled, it then creates a new VGA font file. The file name is 'NONAME.Vxx' where 'xx' is font size (for example '08' for 8 x 8 font). If selected font size is equal to current font size, then file will contain current font. Otherwise file is empty. Select Font Size Dialog The Select Font Size dialog contains a set of radio buttons where each button is matched to a font size between 8 x 1 and 8 x 16 scan lines per character. Default selection is the current font size. You can select needed size and press Enter or click on the OK button, or cancel by pressing Esc or clicking on Cancel button. See also: VGA Menu Save current VGA font file. If the file has a default name (such as 'NONAME.Vxx' where 'xx' is font size (for example '08' for 8 x 8 font)), the VGA font editor opens the "Save File As" dialog box so you can rename the file and save it in a different directory or on a different drive. Menu Save As Save As opens up the Save File As dialog box, where you can save the edited font under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different drive. ] You can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory, and click or choose OK. Menu Merge Merge characters from another VGA font file. If size of selected font is different from editing font size, then this characters will be truncated or enlarged. See also: VGA Merge Font Dialog The Merge Font dialog allows select characters to be copied from selected font file. It then positions these characters in the edited font file. The "From" table shows selected font file - you can select some characters which will be copied by Shift-ArrowKeys or by mouse (selected characters will be marked by different background color). The "Into" table shows the editing font - you can select starting position to copy characters by arrow keys (area which will be owerwritten will be marked by different background color). Indicator at the bottom of window shows which characters will be copied into which characters. Menu Make .ASM Create .ASM file that contains code of procedure to download VGA font. Menu Make .C Create .C file that contains code of procedure to download VGA font. Menu Make .PAS Create .PAS file that contains code of procedure to download VGA font. Menu Download Download editing VGA font. Epson Printer Font Epson FX-80 font is a bitmapped 11 x 8 font. Normally the last two columns are left blank - this forms the space between characters. In some instances you may want the character to touch. If so, use all 11 dot columns. Redefinition of box characters (characters num. 176 - 223) is not recommended - these characters use special 11 x 12 (one and a half high) matrix that can't be correctly redefined by user. Standard character matrix is 11 x 8, but distance between centers of two adjacent dots is only half of dot diameter, i.e., you actually see a 6 x 8 matrix. Therefore if the dots in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th columns were printed you can see contiguous line of 6 dots length. a 1st 11th 1st 8 8th 11 There is also an overlap problem: printer working in single strike mode can't print two immediately adjacent dots - second dot won't be printed (on the contrary, some printers can't print the first dot). See example: Matrix Really Printed single dot in this single dot second column will be printed dots in 1st both these dots and 3rd columns will be printed dots in 1st both these dots and 2nd columns will be printed overlap of dots in will print only 1st and 2nd columns dot in first column overlap of dots in 1st, will print only two 2nd, 3rd and 4th columns dots in 1st and 3rd column When printer work in double strike mode, overlap is enabled - two adjacent dots will be printed. Therefore it is recommended to disable overlap in editor menu when you edit font for single strike mode, and to enable overlap when you edit font for double strike mode. Any character may be shifted 1 dot down (see 'Local options' in editor menu). Characters with descenders (such as 'p' or 'g') use this option. See example: z Without Shift Down With Shift Down Matrix Really Printed When printer work in proportional spacing mode there may be printed characters with width different than 11 columns. For this you need to redefine starting (1..7) and ending (2..12) column for each character whose width you want to change (see 'Local options' in editor menu). See example: [ Bounds Matrix Really Printed Starting column: 4 Ending column: 8 Starting column: 1 Ending column: 11 Starting column: 2 Ending column: 7 Starting column: 1 Ending column: 6 Maximal character width is 11 dots. It is impossible define dot in 12 column, but last column may be defined as 12th column (it's the default). If last column is defined as 11th column, then next (12) column is also 1st column of next letter. If 11th column of current letter and 1st column of next letter contains adjacent dots, they may possibly overlap and characters won't print correctly. For example, let's print ' ' characters that are defined as 11-column wide. 12th Because of overlap between 11th column of first character and 1st column of second character result was printed incorrectly. @ And now let's print this characters defined as 12-column wide. 12th This trick is recommended also when you edit font for proportional spacing mode - use 1 column more than needed. 7 For more information see user manual of your printer. Epson Font Editor This utility is used to edit Epson printer font and save result of editing as .ASM, .C or .PAS file that contain data for changing Epson font or in internal format. ! The Epson font editor contains: the edit window the 'Menu' button the 'See Font' button the ASCII table the editing letter indicator the short help text The Edit Window In left side of Epson font editor window you can see framed rectangle - edit window. Edit Window Cursor YY:XX Position Indicator Cursor is a blinking square in the edit window. Position indicator at the bottom of the edit window frame shows the cursor's position (the current line and column number) as YY:XX, where YY is the line number and XX is the column number. Available keys are: Key Action Arrow Keys Move Cursor PgUp/PgDn Go to Bottom/Top of Column Home/End Go to Begin/End of Line Ctrl-PgUp/Ctrl-PgDn Select Next/Previous Letter Ctrl-Home/Ctrl-End Select First/Last Letter ^Left/^Right Shift Left/Right ^U/^D Shift Up/Down ^Del/^Ins Delete/Insert Line ^E/^W Delete/Insert Column ^C/^F Clear/Fill ^V/^H Vertical/Horizontal Flip See also: Epson The Editing Letter Indicator The editing letter indicator is a specialized view, displayed at the bottom of the Epson font editor window frame. The editing character and hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of this character are displayed. If editing font was modified, a ' ' character (the modification indicator) will be displayed at the bottom of the edit window frame. Char: A Decimal: 65 Hexa: 41 Modification Indicator The ASCII Table The ASCII table displays the entire IBM PC character set. The defined characters are highlighted. If ASCII table is selected, the current character is marked by a blinking block cursor. Otherwise current character is highlighted and marked by a different background color. Current character is also displayed at the editing letter indicator. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. See also: Epson The 'Menu' Button The 'Menu' button opens the Epson font editor menu. The 'See Font' Button The 'See Font' button opens a graphic screen that show defined characters. To resume press any key. See also: Epson Menu The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the .PFE file you want edit. Menu The New command creates a new empty .PFE file. The file name is 'NONAME.PFE'. Menu Save current .PFE file. If the file has a default name (such as NONAME.PFE), this option is opened as dialog box so you can rename the file and save it in a different directory or on a different drive. Menu Save As Save As opens up the Save File As dialog box, where you can save the editing font under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different drive. ] You can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory, and click or choose OK. Menu Merge Merge characters from another Epson font file. Merge Font Dialog The Merge Font dialog allows to select characters to be copied from selected font file and position of these characters in editing font file. The "From" table shows the selected font file - used characters are highlighted, you can select some characters which will be copied by Shift-ArrowKeys or by mouse (selected characters will be marked by different background color). The "Into" table shows editing font - used characters are highlighted, you can select starting position to copy characters by arrow keys (area which will be owerwritten will be marked by different background color). Indicator at the bottom of window shows which characters will be copied into which characters. See also Epson Menu Overlap Enable/disable dot overlap. See also: Epson Menu Local Options Open Local Options dialog box that define for current character starting and ending column for proportional spacing, and allow shift character at printing time 1 dot down. See also: Epson Local Options Dialog The Local Options dialog box let you define for current character the starting and ending column, and if to shift character at printing time 1 dot down. See also: Epson Menu Make .ASM Create .ASM file that contains data that must be copied to the printer to download Epson font. Menu Make .C Create .C file that contains array that must be copied to the printer to download Epson font. Menu Make .PAS Create .PAS file that contains array that must be copied to the printer to download Epson font. Menu Make .BIN Create .BIN file that contains data that must be copied to the printer to download Epson font. Use DOS command COPY FILENAME.BIN PRN /B to correctly copy this file. Menu Download Download editing Epson font. Keyboard Map Computer keyboar mapped as english type-writer. It's comfortable when you type an english text, but if you want use a foreign language you need to use special characters that can't be typed using standard keyboard and your keyboard will be uncomfortable. If you want type any foreign language text, you need remap your keyboard. Keyboard Map Editor This is utility is for creating new keyboard map and saving result of editing as .ASM, .C or .PAS file that contain a procedure for convertion from standard to new keyboard map. # The keyboard map editor contains: Z the edit window the 'Menu' button the 'Try It' button the short help text The Edit Window At the bottom of keyboard map editor window you can see a keyboard picture - edit window. W Edit Window BckSp Caps Lock Enter Shift Shift Selected key will be marked by different color. P If key value was changed then new key value will be displayed and highlighted. If editing keyboard map was modified, a ' ' character (the modification indicator) will be displayed at the bottom of the keyboard map editor window frame. ; Modification Indicator Available keys are: Key Action Arrow Keys Move Cursor PgUp/PgDn Go to Bottom/Top of Column Home/End Go to Begin/End of Line Enter/SpaceBar Edit Key ^R Reset Default Key Value See also: Keyboard Get Key Value Dialog The Get Key Value dialog allows select characters they will be generated when editing key pressed without Shift (lower case) and with Shift (upper case). In the dialog you can see picture of editing key with two input lines - lower input line allows accept character for lower case and upper - for upper case. If DownArrow pressed or [ ] button clicked by mouse then will be opened Select ASCII Dialog that allows accept character. Select ASCII Dialog The Select ASCII dialog displays the entire IBM PC character set. The current character is marked by a blinking block cursor, and the hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of the character are displayed below the chart. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. Press Enter or click on the OK button to accept selected character. The 'Menu' Button The 'Menu' button opens keyboard map editor menu. The 'Try It' Button The 'Try It' button opens Try Keyboard dialog that allows you to try editing keyboard map. Try Keyboard Dialog The Try Keyboard dialog allows to try editing keyboard map. Menu The Open command displays the Open File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the .KME file you want to edit. Menu The New command creates a new empty .KME file. The file name is 'NONAME.KME'. Menu Save current .KME file. If the file has a default name (such as NONAME.KME), this option is opened as dialog box so you can rename the file and save it in a different directory or on a different drive. Menu Save As Save As opens up the Save File As dialog box, where you can save the editing keyboard map under a different name, in a different directory, or on a different drive. ] You can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory, and click or choose OK. Menu Make .ASM Create .ASM file that contains code of procedure for convertion from standard to new keyboard map. Menu Make .C Create .C file that contains code of function for convertion from standard to new keyboard map. Menu Make .PAS Create .PAS file that contains code of function for convertion from standard to new keyboard map. Go To Line Number Dialog The Go To Line Number dialog jumps to the required line in editor. Enter in which line of source code you want to go to. Keyboard Speed Dialog The Keyboard Speed dialog lets you set keyboard speed (for AT-style machine only). This determines how long the machine will delay before repeating a character when you are holding down a key, and how many characters it will repeat per second. This does not affect your typing speed. You have to move your fingers faster if you want to type faster! But it makes editing go faster since a fast keyboard lets you zip around the screen. Type some keys to see the effect in the Keyboard Test Pad input line. Try holding down a single key, such as X , to see how the settings will affect keyboard operation. Most people prefer a speed around 20-25 character/second and the minimum delay (.25 second). Execute DOS Command Dialog The Execute DOS Command dialog executes a single DOS command. Enter DOS command to be executed. * *#*&*)***+*,*-*.*/*0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*